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The the fastestway to send money worldwide

The purpose of every transaction is to be kept confidential from 3rd party customer service for security reasons.

Send money from a Western Union branch.


Click to Find a local Western Union office in your location, then copy the details of our cashier provided on checkout.

Go to any of the stores of your choice and fill out the necessary forms and hand it over to the cashier. You can send money from a branch in several ways: via cash, with a credit or debit card. Using your credit card may result in a cash-advance fee imposed by the card issuer.

Once payment is sent, you would be issued a receipt which includes a tracking number. You’ll have to take a visible picture of the receipt or send necessary details for pickup via


  • Fees vary depending on what payment method you choose, where you are sending money from, and where you are sending it to.

Send money through the Western Union website.


Click the <a href=”>Send Money link on the Western Union homepage.

Select Send Online. Fill out the form with our cashier details, and choose the “Money in Minutes option”.

You’re to send the money with a credit as the bank account option would take 4 days to validate.

Once payment is sent, you’ll be emailed a receipt. For payment authentication you would have to forward the email to us, or provide payment details as on the receipt.

  • Using your credit card may result in a cash-advance fee imposed by the card issuer.

  • You will need to create a Western Union account to use the online transfer service.

  • Fees vary depending on what payment method you choose, where you are sending money from, and where you are sending it to.

Use Western Union’s Mobile App.


  • Login or Sign up, and proceed using the same details provided above.

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